Rapidly Deployable Video Surveillance™

Customer Testimonial

"Where would we be without AgileMesh? Light-years behind. We appreciated working with your team to get our systems in order."

- Officer James

Case Study: Barricade with Entry - non-lethal due to use of AgileMesh equipment

An EDP, off his medication, was destroying his mother’s apartment. When contacted by patrol officers through a broken living room window, the suspect retreated into the apartment out of view and started a fire. Patrol evacuated the surrounding apartments, established a perimeter and called SWAT. Shortly thereafter, it was determined that either the fire had been the suspect smoking or it had extinguished itself.

When SWAT arrived, the inner perimeter was replaced, contact was attempted with no success and a contact team was staged at the 1-4 corner. The decision was made to utilize a Remotec FA-6 Robot to deliver a throw phone into the apartment. To do so, the living room window was broken to allow the robot arm to penetrate the room. The FA-6 was equipped with a PTZ camera, mounted on the arm just behind the claw. When the phone was delivered into the living room it became apparent that the arm-mounted PTZ camera provided a commanding view of the apartment. While the suspect would not approach the robot or retrieve the throw phone, he was not concerned with being in view of the robot’s cameras. The suspect remained unresponsive to requests to negotiate a surrender.

As this barricade continued, the suspect appeared to become more agitated and refused to speak with negotiators. A tactical plan was established, which included using an explosive breaching charge to remove the front door and subsequent diversion device detonations to drive the suspect to the front door, followed by less lethal weapons deployment to take the suspect into custody. Covertly setting an explosive charge on the front door was difficult to do without compromise. It was important to know where the suspect was inside the apartment and to be able to communicate that location in real time to other elements.

Early in the barricade, several AgileMesh nodes were deployed to establish video surveillance around the apartment. To provide interior visibility, the analog video feed from the robot was placed into a video node. This video signal then became available to Command, the contact team and the element that was about to set the charge on the front door. The breachers learned that the suspect was three feet from the target door. As a result, a series of distractions and noises were created to cover their approach and the setting of the charge. Ultimately, because the various elements were able to see where the suspect was and was not, the planned breach and less lethal deployment were able to be executed at a strategically opportune movement.


Additional Case Studies:
Regional WMD
Barricade with Hostages
Barricade with Entry
SWAT Training
Special Event Video Coverage
Crime Surveillance
Disaster Drill Coverage

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