Case Study: SWAT Training

SITUATION: A SWAT team was conducting semiannual training in Hostage Rescue Tactics at an abandoned manufacturing plant.
CHALLENGE: The limited size and amount of “office” space made it very difficult for trainers and evaluators to be “in” the space during the dynamic portion of the operation.

Products > Networking Units

Network Bridge
appliance that serves as a plug-and-play transport bridge between
AgileMesh’s wireless networks and other in-place wired or wireless
networks . The plug-and-play aspect of the AV-3000
network bridge relates to the ease with which it can be connected to
both networks via standard network cables and the automatic
discovery of the video sources on the AgileMesh network for mapping
across the bridge between the networks.
- Automated discovery of video sources
- DHCP server on the AgileMesh network
- Automated self-configuration for routing between networks
- Algorithmic mapping of video source IP addresses to LAN/WAN network ports
- Can accept static or dynamic LAN/WAN network addresses
- Replication of video streams toward the LAN/WAN to minimize loading on the wireless
mesh network
- Automatic DDNS setup based on video source names
- Automatic dynamic web page generation with video thumbnail images to make identification
and selection of video sources easy
AV3000 Data Sheet
AV3000 Series Users Manual
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Wireless Network Nodes
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Networking Units